Category Archives: Precious Metals API

Precious Metals API

Precious metals api providing live spot gold and silver prices.

The Gold Feed precious metals api is the most accurate and competitive in the industry. Our precious meals API allows you to price your products and display spot pricing on your website and in your app. Our API serves thousands of customers Worldwide! Our gold, silver, platinum and palladium precious metals api can be relied upon to service your application even under the highest loads.

Accurate, reliable, fast and trustworthy. Have your pricing inline with your competitors. We provide pricing to some of the largest bullion and coin dealers in the World. Our precious metals api is easy to understand and iterate. Now you can be up and running with our live gold price api in a matter of minutes.

We are always here to help you with our live metals api. We can be reached instantly via telephone, email or chat. We are the most reliable precious metals, gold and silver API provider.